
Classical Academy of Arms

A Society for Classical Fencing Trainer Education, Development, Credentialing, and Support

Classical Fencing School Designation

The Classical Academy of Arms recognizes individual clubs which have a training staff that is trained and credentialed by the Classical Academy of Arms and that conduct a regular classical fencing instructional program as Classical Fencing Schools.

To be recognized as a Classical Fencing School affiliated with the Classical Academy of Arms, a club or salle must the following requirements:

(1)  The club must conduct an active program of fencing in accordance with the principles and techniques of the classical period from 1880 to 1939.

(2)  Training in the club must be based upon a skill progression system, either that of the Academy or an approved substitute.

(3)  At least one instructor associated with the club or school must be a professional member of the Academy. All instructors must have completed or be actively enrolled in at least the Classical Fencing Demonstrator credentialing process.

(4)  All professional members of the Academy associated with the club or salle must either be enrolled in training sponsored by the Academy to qualify as a higher level of trainer or complete a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education each year. 

(5)  Professional members of the Academy associated with the club or salle must adhere to the Academy’s code of ethical conduct.

(6)  The club or salle commits to having one member trained in first aid by any recognized training agency present at any group training session.

(7) All trainers complete United States Olympic Committee SafeSport training or equivalent national athlete protection training in their country.

(8)   The club or salle agrees to submit an annual report.

Application for Designation as a Classical Fencing School

Instructors commit to do 12 hours of continuing education annually:
Instructors agree to adhere to the CAA code of ethics:
We will have a first aid trained individual at any group training session.
Our trainers have completed USOC SafeSport or equivalent athlete protection training.
We agree to provide an annual report.