
Classical Academy of Arms

A Society for Classical Fencing Trainer Education, Development, Credentialing, and Support

Classical Fencing Glossary

The Classical Academy of Arms Glossary of Classical Fencing Terms is published quarterly in an updated edition.  It is available on request to members of the Academy and to students in our professional courses, and on a subscription basis to all others.  The subscription price is $20 per year.  The current edition of the glossary extends to more than 60 pages.

This glossary of fencing terms is grounded in terminology used by a wide variety of sources to describe fencing with the foil, epee, sabre, and singlestick in the Classical Period.  Each term is dated, defined, and attributed to the source or sources from which it was drawn.  The Glossary is a living document, updated regularly with new terms or with added meanings for existing listings.  Inclusion of a term does not constitute an opinion on the correctness of the author's definition or the viability of the described action, position, or technique in fencing.

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