
Classical Academy of Arms

A Society for Classical Fencing Trainer Education, Development, Credentialing, and Support


Application for the following rank (select one):
Are you a member of a national Academy of Arms or coaches association affiliated with either the Academie d Armes Internationale (AAI) or the International Fencing Coaches Association (IFCA)
Do you hold a professional fencing coaching credential?
Do you hold a coaching credential issued by an Amateur fencing federation or other recognized body?
Do you currently serve as an instructor, trainer, or coach?
Do you currently have coaching liability insurance?
Do you have a student with whom you can work during the course?

By completing this form I hereby certify that the information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I give the Classical Academy of Arms permission to verify information on this form and understand that false statements may be a bar to my acceptance or to my completion of the Academy’s training and credentialing. I understand that the focus of this program is the training and credentialing of instructors who teach fencing as it was taught and practiced during the period 1880-1939, and that, although the knowledge of instructional techniques will be of value to any trainer of fencers, the Academy’s program is not intended to prepare individuals to coach modern competitive fencers or historical fencers.


If you do not wish to submit this application online please contact the Academy for a paper copy of the application.

Contents of your application are confidential.

This online application is considered official when you submit it.  If you use the online application, you do not have to submit a paper application.

Your application will be processed as expeditiously as our current workload permits.  If we have questions, we will contact you at the e-mail address you have listed.  Please make sure it is correct.